Welcome to SchoolFinance.NCSA.org
This website is maintained by the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA) with oversight provided by the Nebraska Association of School Business Officials (NASBO), an affiliate of NCSA.
The website provides a research clearinghouse dedicated to the study of the Nebraska school finance system. Features include:
- Tutorial: An online tutorial of the current school finance formula;
- Policy History: Both a brief history and complete history of the policy evolution of the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act (TEEOSA);
- Document Archive: A complete archive of all legislative-related documents pertaining to legislation passed into law with a direct or indirect impact on the school finance system;
- Resource Links: An in-depth listing of links to other websites relating to school finance.
Why Study School Finance Issues?
School finance has a direct correlation and consequence to children and their educational opportunities, their present lives and their future. Any parent with children in school and/or any proponent of equity and quality of educational opportunities has a vested interest in school finance policy, within all levels of government.