Debate Transcripts

LB 269 (1997)

Final Reading

May 30, 1997


SPEAKER WITHEM:  LB 588A passes. Next action is the vote on the at-large ... to suspend the at-large reading of LB 269E.  All in favor vote aye. Opposed vote nay.  Record.


CLERK:  37 ayes, I nay, Mr. President, to dispense with Final Reading.


SPEAKER WITHEM:  Final Reading is suspended.  Mr. Clerk, please read the title.


CLERK:  (Read title.)


SPEAKER WITHEM:  All provisions of law relative to procedure having been complied with, the question is, shall LB 269 pass with the emergency clause attached?  All of those in favor vote aye.  Opposed vote nay.  Record.


CLERK:  (Read record vote. See page 2500 of the Legislative Journal.)  42 ayes, 1 nay, 6 excused not voting, Mr. President.


SPEAKER WITHEM:  LB 269 passes with the emergency clause attached.  Please read LB 269A.


CLERK:  (Read LB 269A on Final Reading.)


SPEAKER WITHEM:  All provisions of law relative to procedure having been complied with, the question is, shall LB 269 pass...269A pass with the emergency clause attached?  All of those in favor vote aye.  Opposed vote nay.  Have you all voted?  Please record, Mr. Clerk.


CLERK:  (Read record vote. See pages 2500-01 of the Legislative Journal.)  41 ayes, 1 nay, I present not voting, 6 excused not voting, Mr. President.


SPEAKER WITHEM:  LB. 269A passes with the emergency clause attached.  We will now vote on the suspension of the rule regarding at-large reading of LB 138.  All of those in favor