Debate Transcripts

LB 813 (1999)

Select File

March 4, 1999


SENATOR COORDSEN:  The motion is to advance LB 272A to E & R for engrossment.  All those in favor please say aye.  Those opposed nay.  The bill is advanced.  Next item, Mr. Clerk.


CLERK:  Mr. President, (LB) 813.  E & R amendments, first of all, Senator.




SENATOR SMITH:  Mr. President, I would move the adoption of the E & R amendments to LB 813.


SENATOR COORDSEN:  You've heard the motion.  All of those in favor please say aye.  Opposed nay.  They are adopted.


CLERK:  Mr. President, Senator ...  excuse me, Senator Wickersham would move to amend.  (See Wickersham amendment, AM0481, on pages 839-840 of the Legislative Journal.)


SENATOR COORDSEN:  Senator Wickersham, to open on your amendment.


SENATOR WICKERSHAM:  Thank you, Mr. President.  The provisions of this amendment were part of LB 173 that is still being held by the Education Committee; it's not been advanced.  But the provisions that are in this amendment, I hope, are not of a controversial nature.  They do concern the budget authority of a Class I school district, but it addresses a very, very specialized set of circumstances that can occur within a Class I school district.  And that very specialized set of circumstances is having a special ed child move into the district after the February 1st deadline, or be identified in the school district after the February 1st deadline.  The amendment is intended to produce greater flexibility in the Class I school district to budget and to actually have expenditures for the necessary




programming for that special ed child.  Right now, there's a difficulty in the existing law in accomplishing that objective.  It is not something that would be discretionary with the Class I district.  It wouldn't be discretionary with any district.  if you have a special ed child, you've got to be able to provide the services.  This simply clarifies or changes existing statutes so that, in the special circumstances of a Class I district, those necessary changes in their budget can be made after February 1st.


SENATOR COORDSEN:  There are no other lights on.  Senator Wickersham, did you wish to say anything?  Closing is waived.  The question before the body is the adoption of the Wickersham amendment.  Those in favor please vote aye, those opposed nay.  We're voting on the Wickersham amendment.  Record , Mr. Clerk.


CLERK:  26 ayes, 0 nays, Mr. President, on adoption of Senator Wickersham's amendment.


SENATOR COORDSEN:  The Wickersham amendment is adopted.  Anything further on the bill?


CLERK:  Nothing further on the bill, Mr. President.




SENATOR SMITH:  Mr. President, I would move the advancement of LB 813 to E & R for engrossment.


SENATOR COORDSEN:  Motion is to advance LB 813 to E & R.  Those in favor please say aye.  Those opposed nay.  The bill is advanced.  The bill is advanced.  Next item, Mr. Clerk.


CLERK:  Mr. President, (LB) 226.  Enrollment and Review amendments, first of all, Senator.




SENATOR SMITH:  Mr. President, I would move the adoption of the E & R amendments to LB 226.


SENATOR COORDSEN:  You've heard the motion.  Those in favor