Debate Transcripts
LB 713 (1997)
General File
February 20, 1997
... that, are
registered to Canada, United States, Mexico, and whatever other countries they
might be needed to be registered in.
It also clarifies that the pre-appeal procedure, by an order of the
Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles, under the International
Registration Plan, will be done in conformance with the requirements of the
Administrative Procedures Act. The
amendments also make technical corrections related to the administration of the
International Fuel Tax Agreement.
Also, it establishes an income tax set-off procedure to allow the
Department of Motor Vehicles to collect motor fuel tax debt ordered under the
provisions of the International Fuel Tax Agreement. That's the extent of the committee amendments, and I would
ask for their adoption.
WITHEM: You've heard the opening
on the committee amendments. Any
discussion? Seeing none. Senator Elmer, do you have a
closing? Closing is waived. The question is, shall the committee
amendments to LB 720 be adopted?
All in favor vote aye.
Opposed vote nay. Record,
Mr. Clerk.
CLERK: 26 ayes, 0 nays, Mr. President, on the
adoption of committee amendments.
WITHEM: Committee amendments are
adopted. Anything further?
CLERK: Nothing further, Mr. President.
WITHEM: Any discussion on the
motion to advance? Seeing
none. Senator Elmer, do you have a
closing? Closing's waived. The question is, shall LB 720 be
advanced? All in favor vote aye. Opposed vote nay. Record, Mr. Clerk.
CLERK: 28 ayes, 0 nays, Mr. President, on the
advancement of 720.
WITHEM: LB 720 advances. It's my understanding that we're
passing over LB 245. We'll go on
to LB 713.
CLERK: (LB) 713, Mr. President, by Senator
Bohlke. (Read title.) The bill was
introduced on January 22 of this year, referred to the Education
Committee. The bill was. advanced to
File. There are committee
amendments pending, Mr. President.
WITHEM: Senator Bohlke, to open on
the bill.
BOHLKE: Mr. Speaker and
members. I'm waiting for my folder
and information to arrive here being as we passed over the previous bill, and
if you can just give me one moment as I ....
WITHEM: Mr. Clerk, do you have any
items for the record while we are waiting for the Chair of the Education
CLERK: Mr. President, your Committee on Health
and Human Services reports LB 622 to General File with committee amendments
attached. Appropriations reports
(LB) 887 to General File. Health
reports (LB) 369 to General File with amendments and (LB) 259, General File
with amendments. And Agriculture
reports (LB) 192 to General File with committee amendments. Those all signed by their respective
chairs. Senator Beutler has
amendments to be printed to (LB) 453.
Hearing notices from the Natural Resources Committee and from the
Judiciary Committee. (See pages
704-10 of the Legislative Journal.) And that's all that I have at this time,
Mr. President.
WITHEM: Senator Bohlke.
BOHLKE: Yes, Mr. Speaker and
members. This is a bill that
changes the date that schools will receive the information for aid and changes
it to December 1. This is
something that the schools are looking forward to and have supported, that as
we look at 1114 and the need they will have to do in addressing their budgets,
that certainly getting the information from the Department of Education by
December 1 will assist them in meeting those obligations they have to in
developing their budgets.
WITHEM: Thank you, Senator
Bohlke. Mr. Clerk, I understand
you have committee amendments?
CLERK: Education offers committee amendments,
Mr. President. (Committee
amendment AM0274 can be found on page 638 of the
WITHEM: Senator Bohlke, on the
committee amendments. I don't
think we have anything else to read in, so if you'd go ahead.
BOHLKE: Yes, Mr. Speaker,
members. It just ... the committee amendment makes some
technical changes on the dates.
It's simply a technicality.
WITHEM: You've heard the opening
on committee amendments. Any
discussion? Seeing none. The question before the body is
... the question, I guess, is,
Senator Bohlke, do you have a closing?
Closing is waived. The
question is, shall we adopt the committee amendments? All in favor vote aye.
Opposed vote nay. Record.
CLERK: 25 ayes, 0 nays, Mr. President, on the
adoption of committee amendments.
WITHEM: The committee amendments
are adopted. Anything further on
the bill?
CLERK: Nothing -further on the bill, Mr.
WITHEM: We're now discussing the
advancement of LB 713. There are
no lights on. Senator Bohlke, do
you have a closing? Closing is
waived. The question is, shall LB
713 be advanced? All in favor vote
aye. Opposed vote nay. Have you all voted who care to vote? Record, Mr. Clerk.
CLERK: 26 ayes, 0 nays, Mr. President, on the
advancement of 713.
WITHEM: LB 713 advances. Mr. Clerk, LB 809.
CLERK: (LB) 809, Mr. President. Offered by Senator Landis. (Read title.) The bill was introduced
on January 22, referred to the Education Committee, advanced to General File. There are committee amendments, Mr.
WITHEM: Senator Landis, to open on
the bill.