Debate Transcripts
LB 397 (1997)
Final Reading
4, 1997
CROSBY: Thank you. We will proceed to LB 397, motion to
return from E & R Final.
CLERK: Senator, the first motion I have is by
Senator Kristensen. Senator
Kristensen would move to return the bill,
for specific
amendment. The amendment is on
page 809 of the Journal. (See
CROSBY: Senator Kristensen, to
open on your motion.
KRISTENSEN: Thank you, Madam
President, members of the Legislature.
This amendment deals with LB 397.
LB 397 has been before the body on a couple of different occasions. If you'll remember, this is the piece
of legislation that transfers the duties of the State Board of Equalization as
it relates, to statewide equalization to the Tax Equalization Review Commission
as a result of the constitutional amendment change voted in by the people last
year. Through this process, we
have gone through a fairly meticulous study of the statutes trying to shift all
those duties and obligations and make sure that the procedure is clean,, and
that we've got everything we needed to do to transfer those duties. It's been an involved process. Bill drafters, our technicians, have
really done a good job with a difficult task. There was one section that we have left to change. When we passed the Tax Equalization
Review Commission, we set up an appeal process for them. There was also an appeal process for
the State Board of Equalization.
In the draft that we have, there are now two appeal sections, and we
need to eliminate the one that would ...
the appeals from the State Board of Equalization. The current law is Section 77-501.9. That is a more complete appeal
statute. That's the one we are
going to save. It has a better
system set up and is more specific.
We are going to, thus, eliminate Section 41 from the bill. That's the appeal statute for the State
Board of Equalization and, quite frankly, that was a summary appeals
section. It is not a very good one
and it won't fit into the way the bill is drafted. We caught this, bill drafters can get the change made
rapidly for us. We also have to
have the ... we should get this
bill passed as Boon as we can because we need to get rules and regulations
adopted and drafted in place by April 1.
So we're under some time pressure.
With that, I would offer the amendment. It strikes Section 41 and then does a few E & R cleanups
with commas. Madam President, that
would be my opening. I'd yield
back the rest of my time and urge the body to return the bill for specific
CROSBY: You've heard the
opening. Any discussion on
the return to
Select File? Seeing none, Senator
Kristensen waives closing. The
motion ... the question is, shall
LB 397 be returned to Select File for a specific amendment? All in favor vote aye, opposed no. Record. please.
CLERK: 35 ayes, 0 nays on the motion to return
the bill.
CROSBY: The bill is returned. Senator Kristensen.
KRISTENSEN: Thank you, Madam
President, members of the Legislature.
I'd urge the adoption of the amendment as I explained on my motion to
CROSBY: Any discussion on the
amendment? Seeing none, Senator
KRISTENSEN: I'd waive closing,
Madam President. Thank you.
CROSBY: He waives closing. The question is the adoption of the
amendment to LB 397. All in favor
vote aye, opposed no. Record,
CLERK: 30 ayes, 0 nays on the motion to
... on the adoption of the Select
File amendment.
CROSBY: The amendment is
adopted. Anything further? Senator Kristensen.
KRISTENSEN: Thank you, Madam
President, members of the Legislature.
I would move to advance the bill to E & R for engrossing.
CROSBY: You've heard the motion to
advance LB 397 to E & R for engrossing. All in favor say aye.
Opposed no. It is advanced.
CLERK: Senator Landis would move to return the
bill for specific amendment. (See
AM0753 on page 871 of the Legislative Journal.)
CROSBY: Senator Landis.
LANDIS: Thank you, Madam
President. You will find this bill
in your laptop computer under proposed amendments. It is AM0753.
Currently, if you wish to apply for homestead exemption, you do so
between January 1 and May 1. This
amendment changes those dates. The
reason that we're using LB 397 for a change in the Homestead Act is because 397
has an emergency clause and will pass quickly; (LB) 182, the homestead
exemption bill won't pass that quickly, and we will be behind the curve in
trying to change the rules for this year unless we adopt that ... unless we adopt this change on a bill
that will pass quickly and with the E clause. So we currently take applications between January 1 and May
1. The problem is that because we
take early applications, when the Legislature passes a change in the Homestead
Act, we either have to gel. a
whole new set of applications, which is a headache for county officials and
appliers, or we have to put off the changes until the following year. This amendment changes from January 1
to May 1, which are the existing dates for application, to a new set of dates,
and that would run between April 1 and June 30. By using April 1 and June 30 as the beginning and ending
date of application, it would be possible for the Legislature to act in an
expeditious manner on a homestead exemption change, county officials be able to
make their appropriate responses, forms be able to be created by the Revenue
Department, and filers be able to get the benefits of whatever those changes were
in the year in which they were passed, rather than having them put off. So while this Is particularly valuable
in this year in making sure that LB 182, the homestead exemption bill, gets the
benefits to filers this year, it has a recurring virtue, and that is to make
the homestead exemption program susceptible to change in a legislative year,
and to have those changes be passed on to taxpayers, generally receiving some
kind of additional benefits, because that's the general rule in homestead
exemptions over time. For that
reason, I ask for the return of LB 397 for a specific amendment. This specific amendment, as I've just
described, changes for this year and makes the homestead exemption available
for this year without the problem of a whole lot of changes in forms and
refilings, and then puts us in a position on the future to make homestead
exemption changes without the same problem recurring, which we're avoiding this
year. I ask for the indulgence of the
body to return 397 for a
special amendment
on Select File.
CROSBY: Thank you, Senator
Landis. Discussion on the motion
to return, Senator Bromm.
BROMM: Senator, I'd like to ask
Senator Landis a question or two on the record.
CROSBY: Senator Landis, will you
yield for a question?
BROMM: And let me preface this by
saying that one of the criticisms that I've had while I've been in the
Legislature, from not only county officials, but taxpayers, is that we always
seem to change the rules so that it's more difficult to do the paperwork or
they have to do duplicated paperwork and that kind of thing. Now I understand the desire to have
this in place for this year and take advantage of it and allow the homestead exemption
to more people and that kind of thing.
And I support that, but let me ask you, for those people that have
already made homestead exemption applications and filled them out for this year
and think that they have their paperwork done, how will your amendment affect
them? Will they have to, and I
... you probably said that and I
didn't hear it, but would you explain that again for us, please.
LANDIS: Let me give you what I
think is going to happen. Because
filers today are filing under a narrower range of income guidelines, the information
that they brought is entirely appropriate, and it answers the question as to
whether or not they are entitled to homestead exemptions. So there would be no need for them to
refile. However, we are expanding
the income to people that are not now covered. They will be able to make use of this new time line when the
rules have changed to come in and say, oh, gosh, my income was higher than the
old rule, for which I wouldn't get anything. But now with this increased guideline, they should be able
to come in and make application, use the time line, and file once and only
once, but be able to use the homestead exemption.
BROMM: Okay. The intent of the amendment and what
you believe the practical application will be is that people who have qualified
or filed the necessary papers to qualify for the
exemption under
the present guidelines and rules should not have to reapply, and the county
assessor should be able to use that information to make a determination on
their homestead exemption, or the State Department of Revenue, as the case may
LANDIS: That's my best guess as to
what's going to happen when the rubber meets the road.
BROMM: Okay.
LANDIS: What the filer does in to
provide information as to their income and whether or not they are entitled to
the homestead exemption. That
information is not going to change between January I and these other
dates. The question is, are there
new people who would be able to make a filing which would not now be able to
make a filing? And what the
receiver of the information is going to do as to which bracket they belong
into, which percentage of relief they are entitled to. But the filer, having provided the
data, has done their job, and I don't see a need to have a refiling for anybody
who has filed up to this point.
BROMM: Thank you, Senator
Landis. And I will support the
return to Select File for the amendment, with the understanding and intent that
we are acknowledging that there are people that made application for homestead
exemption who qualify, and that we will not require a duplication of that
paperwork, not require the county officials to go out and get another form
signed by those same people, and cause all the confusion and extra work and
expense that goes along with that.
So with that intent in mind, I will certainly support Senator Landis'
amendment. Thank you.
CROSBY: Thank you, Senator
Bromm. There are no further
lights, Senator Landis. He waives
closing. The question is, shall LB
397 be returned to Select File for a specific amendment? All in favor vote aye, opposed no. Record, please.
CLERK: 33 ayes, 0 nays on the motion to return
the bill.
CROSBY: The bill is returned. Senator Landis.
LANDIS: Thank you, Madam
President. The amendment that I
offer moves from January I to May 1?
the existing deadlines for the beginning and ending of homestead
exemption filing to new dates, April 1 and June 30. This should help us with respect to this coming set of
homestead exemption changes. But,
more importantly, it also puts us in a position as a Legislature to adjust the
homestead exemption early in any legislative session and have the appropriate
forms for filers to be able to use in that year to get whatever relief the
Legislature might advance. Arid
for that reason, I ask for the adoption of amendment 753.
CROSBY: Thank you, Senator
Landis. You've heard.... Any further discussion? Seeing none, Senator Landis waives
closing. You've heard.... The question is the adoption of the
amendment to LB 397. All in favor
vote aye, opposed no. Please
CLERK: 32 ayes, 0 nays on adoption of the
Select File amendment.
CROSBY: The amendment is
adopted. Senator Landis, would you
like to....
LANDIS: I'd move to readvance LB
CROSBY: You've heard the motion to
readvance to E & R Engrossing LB 397.
All in favor say aye.
Opposed no. it is
advanced. Mr. Speaker, Senator
Withem, do you have a message for us?