Debate Transcripts

LB 347 (1997)

Select File

February 20, 1997


SENATOR BRUNING:  I move LB 137 to E & R for engrossing.


SENATOR CROSBY:  You heard the motion to advance LB 137 to E & R for engrossing.  All in favor say aye.  Opposed no.  It is advanced.  LB 345.


CLERK:  (LB) 345, Senator, I do have Enrollment and Review amendments.


SENATOR CROSBY:  Senator Bruning.


SENATOR BRUNING:  I move to adopt the E & R amendments for LB 345.


SENATOR CROSBY:  YouÕve heard the motion to adopt the E&R amendments to LB 345.  All in favor say aye.  Opposed no.  They are adopted.


CLERK:  I have nothing further on the bill, Senator.


SENATOR CROSBY:  Senator Bruning.


SENATOR BRUNING:  I move LB 345 to E & R for engrossing.


SENATOR CROSBY:  YouÕve heard the motion to advance LB 345 to E & R for engrossing.  All in favor say aye.  opposed no.  It is advanced.  LB 347.


CLERK:  (LB) 347 does have Enrollment and Review amendments, Senator.


SENATOR BRUNING:  I move to adopt the E & R amendments for LB 347.


SENATOR CROSBY:  YouÕve heard the motion to adopt the E & R amendments to LB 347.  All in favor say aye.  Opposed no.  They are adopted.


CLERK:  I have nothing further on that bill, Senator.


SENATOR BRU14INC:  I move LB 347 to E & R for engrossing.




SENATOR CROSBY:  YouÕve heard the motion to advance LB 347 to E & R for engrossing.  All in favor say aye.  Opposed no.  It is advanced.  LB 201.


CLERK:  (LB) 201 does have Enrollment and Review amendments.


SENATOR BRUNING:  I move to adopt the E & R amendments for LB 201.


SENATOR CROSBY:  YouÕve heard the motion to adopt the E & R amendments to LB 201.  All in favor say aye.  Opposed no.  They are adopted.


CLERK:  Nothing further on that bill, Senator.


SENATOR BRUNING:  I move LB 201 to E & R for engrossing.


SENATOR CROSBY:  YouÕve heard the motion to advance LB 201 to E & R for engrossing.  All in favor say aye.  Opposed no.  it is advanced.  LB 202.


CLERK:  (LB) 202, Senator, I have no amendments to the bill.


SENATOR BRUNING:  I move LB 202 to E & R for engrossing.  If I


SENATOR CROSBY:  YouÕve heard the motion to advance LB 202 to E & R for engrossing.  All in favor say aye.  opposed no.  It is advanced.  LB 200.


CLERK:  (LB) 200 does have Enrollment and Review amendments, Senator.


SENATOR BRUNING:  I move to adopt the E & R amendments for LB 200.


SENATOR CROSBY:  YouÕve heard the motion to adopt the E & R amendments to LB 200.  All in favor say aye.  Opposed no.  They are adopted.


CLERK:  I have nothing further on that bill, Senator.


SENATOR BRUNING:  I move LB 200 to E & R for engrossing.