Debate Transcripts
LB 542 (1995)
Select File
April 13, 1995
CLERK: Mr. President, LB 542, E & R amendments have been adopted. Senator Bohlke had offered an amendment; Senator Beutler had moved to emend that amendment. Those amendments are pending.
SENATOR BEUTLER: I would wish to withdraw my amendment to the amendment.
SPEAKER WITHEM: The amendment is withdrawn. Senator Bohlke.
SENATOR BOHLKE: Yes, Mr. Clerk, I also would wish to withdraw my amendment.
SPEAKER WITHEM: It is withdrawn. Anything else pending?
CLERK: Nothing further on the bill, Mr. President.
SPEAKER WITHEM: Senator Pedersen, your light is on. Did you wish to discuss this? Senator Maurstad.
SENATOR MAURSTAD: Yes, Mr. Speaker. I would move to advance LB 542 to E & R for engrossing.
SPEAKER WITHEM: You've heard the motion. All in favor say aye. Opposed. The bill is advanced. LB 609.