Debate Transcripts
LB 1001 (1992)
Select File
April 9, 1992
SPEAKER BAACK: You have heard the motion to advance LB 899. All those in favor say aye. Opposed no. It is advanced. LB 1001.
CLERK: Mr. President, on 1001, I have E & R amendments, first of all, Senator.
SPEAKER BAACK: Senator Will.
SENATOR WILL: Mr. Speaker, I move the adoption of the E & R amendments to LB 1001.
SPEAKER BAACK: You heard the motion to adopt the E & R amendments to LB 1001. All those in favor say aye. Opposed no. They are adopted.
CLERK: Mr. President, amendments to be withdrawn, Senator Dierks.
SPEAKER BAACK: It is withdrawn.
CLERK: Senator Schellpeper, I had a note that lie wished to withdraw, Mr. President.
SPEAKER BAACK: It is withdrawn.
CLERK: And Senator Landis.
SPEAKER BAACK: It is withdrawn.
CLERK: I have nothing further pending to LB 1001, Senator Will.
SPEAKER BAACK: Senator Will.
SENATOR WILL: Mr. Speaker, I move the advancement of LB 1001 to E & R for engrossment.
SPEAKER BAACK: You have heard the motion to advance LB
All those in favor say aye. Opposed' no. It is advanced. LB 1098.